Thursday, Sept. 2

Session 4 – Chair Sandrine LĂ©vĂȘque-Fort

09:00Selected Short talk 6: Jelmer Cnossen
“Drift correction on localization microscopy using entropy minimization”
09:20Pablo Rivera-Fuentes
“Photoactivatable probes to study intracellular chemistry”
09:50Selected Short talk 7: Florian Levet
“PoCA: a powerful visualization and quantification software for 3D single-molecule localization microscopy”
10:10Kristin Grussmayer
“Self-blinking dyes unlock high-order and multiplane super-resolution optical fluctuation imaging”
10:40Coffee break
11:10Selected Short talk 8: Abigail Illand
“In depth 3D single molecule imaging with time modulated excitation”
11:30Selected Short talk 9: Roderick P. Tas
“A small peptide-protein interaction for genetically encoded, fixation compatible PAINT”
11:50Selected Short talk 10: Christian Niederauer
“Single-molecule studies of membrane protein interactions via DNA-PAINT tracking”

Session 5 – Chair Pablo Rivera-Fuentes

13:45Selected Short talk 11: Kenny Chung
“Fluorogenic probe for fast 3D whole-cell DNA-PAINT”
14:05Selected Short talk 12: CĂ©cile Leduc
“Molecular organization and mechanics of vimentin single filaments revealed by SMLM”
14:25Selected Short talk 13: Ingmar Schoen
“Site-specifically antibodies for super-resolution microscopy reveal in situ linkage errors”
14:45Selected Short talk 14: Ezra Bruggeman
“Single-molecule orientation localisation microscopy using a polarisation camera and Stokes parameter estimation”
15:05Selected Short talk 15: Fabian Hauser
“3D localization microscopy of human platelet activation via interaction with injured cells”
15:25Closing remarks, poster prices and farewell